Laser Hair Removal in Richmond VA and Surrounding Area
At Diamond Laser Center, our Master Esthetician/Laser Technician, Nahida Sayah, performs all laser hair removal treatments. Nahida has been trained and certified by Cynosure and is highly experienced. She takes pride in delivering the highest quality of care and her priority is patient safety and comfort. We use the Vectus laser by Cynosure, which is the newest and most advanced laser hair removal treatment. The Vectus provides high-volume permanent hair reduction for any skin type – without sacrificing patient comfort and with ensured safety.
Our Laser Hair Removal Device features the largest spot size and most uniform beam profile available today, which allows us to treat unwanted hair quicker than ever before. Even in the largest areas, such as the back, can be treated within less than five minutes!!
Safe and successful laser hair treatment is the result of experience, understanding laser physics, and educating our patients about the hair removal process. Depending on your needs, most body areas and skin types can be treated with this state-of-the-art technology of the Vectus. The Vectus system was designed for effective hair removal, while providing unsurpassed safety and optimal patient comfort.
Our Vectus Laser Hair Removal Device has Advanced Contact Cooling™, which helps protect the epidermis and help keep patients comfortable throughout treatment. Also, with the addition of Photon Recycling™, and the uniform beam profile, allow for the most efficient hair removal, reducing the need for multiple, overlapping passes. This also ensures a must faster treatment.
The Vectus Laser features the integrated Skintel™ Melanin Reader™, the only FDA-cleared melanin reader, helping safely offer optimized hair removal treatments tailored to each patient’s skin type, lifestyle, and ethnicity. By using this tool, we can ensure patient safety by using accurate and risk-free laser settings.
At Diamond Laser Center we have established a Laser Center of Excellence that delivers the most cutting-edge laser treatments available to our patients.
Not all laser hair removal clinics are the same. Many are medical practices or ‘medical spas’ that have poor supervision and treatments delivered by inexperienced staff. At Diamond Laser Center, our Master Medical Esthetician/Laser Technician, Nahida Sayah, performs all treatments in the center. Nahida has been trained and certified by Cynosure and has over 10 years of laser experience and is highly experienced with the most advanced laser technology. Treatments are only performed after a consultation, evaluation, and test treatment of the area. As one of the most respected laser offices, our reputation for quality care and safety is founded on proven experience.
The hair pigment (i.e. color) absorbs the optical laser and radiofrequency energies, converting these energies into heat that permanently destroys or injures the hair follicle, thus making it unable to continue to grow hair. Because not all hair is in the growing phase at the same time, a series of treatments is necessary to achieve long-term hair reduction. Laser treatments are repeated every 4-8 weeks depending on the area being treated.
On your first visit, our Master Estetician, Nahida sayah, will review your medical history and determine if laser hair removal is right for you. Some patients start their first laser hair removal treatment on the same day as their initial consultation. Any area on the body can be treated in less than 5 minutes and there is no numbing or anesthesia required. Because the laser tends to treat hair follicles that are in the active growth phase, anywhere from 6-10 treatments may be required. This varies among individuals as well as the particular body area.
Patients should expect to have a lot less hair, usually an 60-80 percent reduction in the number of growing hairs. Usually the follicles that remain have been damaged and produce a finer hair than prior to the laser treatments. The need for shaving is also decreased considerably. Each patient is different and some will see better results then others, depending on body chemistry, how many hairs are in the follicle, and the color of the hair.
The appearance of the treated area immediately after a laser session will vary depending on the extent of the treatment and the skin type. Immediate after-effects, if any, are minor. They may include redness and swelling, which disappear in a short time. After each treatment, patients should avoid exercise and exertion for 24 hours. Perspiration may increase irritation caused by the laser. Patients should avoid sun exposure as well in between treatments. And finally, waxing or plucking hairs between treatments should be avoided as well.
Do you offer any packages for laser hair removal?
Since laser hair removal requires multiple treatments, we offer special pricing packages for any treatment area.
Is laser hair removal really permanent?
Laser hair removal results is a permanent reduction in the number of hairs and hair density. The first visit is usually very effective, but some re-growth occurs that requires additional treatments for a more effective long-term result. The results from laser hair removal last longer than any other conventional hair removal method.
Does laser hair removal hurt?
Laser hair removal can cause minimal discomfort, but is tolerable by patients. Our Vectus Laser Hair Removal Device has a cooling tip, which provides more comfort compared to other devices. In rare cases where a patient has a low tolerance for pain, a numbing cream can be used on the skin.
How should I prepare for a laser hair removal treatment?
Avoid tanning or significant sun exposure of the areas to be treated. For the most effective treatment, ensure that the areas to be treated have not been waxed, tweezed, or bleached. On the day of your treatment, be sure to shave the area before your office visit.
Does the Vectus Device work on tanned or different skin colors?
Yes. This device can safely and effectively treat all skin types.
How many treatments will I need?
The number of laser hair removal treatments depends on the area treated, hair type and previous hair removal methods. Typically, 6-10 treatments are required, although patients with lighter hair may require more treatments. An inadequate number of treatments will result in a lower rate of effectiveness; therefore, adhering to a schedule is necessary. Although 6-10 treatments are required there are clients that will require more, depending on body chemistry, how may hairs are in the follicle, and the color of the hair.
How soon should I expect results?
You should begin to see results 2-3 weeks after the first session. You may notice patchy hair growth, and many of the hair will begin to fall out. While many patients see great results after the first session, it still takes 6-8 treatments to obtain the results you desire.
Will razor bumps be gone?
Reduction of hair bumps and ingrown hairs will be improved even after the first session. This is true on the face, neck, legs, arms, and bikini line.
Can I use a spray-on tan between treatments?
You should refrain from any tanning or self-tanner products during treatment. The lighter the skin in comparison to the color of your hair, the more effective the laser is at targeting the pigment in the hair follicle. Tanning of the skin can cause unwanted side effects to occur as well.